©Joy Dunlap https://joydunlap.com
Now’s the time of year when Top 10 lists, 2021 Recaps, and the Year’s Favorites show up! And, this Speaking Joyfully is also sharing what readers were seeking – and finding – in 2021.
Speaking Joyfully is a journey of the heart for me – and I hope it is for you too.
A spiritual walk. A listening for God’s whisper in the world.
Feeling His hug in the hurts. Finding strength in His Word.
2021 has been a year. A seesaw of sorts.
Pandemic exhaustion and perseverance. Conflict and courage.
Rejoicing. Perhaps a regret or two?
Disappointments and discoveries. Hurt and hope.
Many managed to travel and visit family and friends more. Others battled illness and inner turmoil. Some struggled to stay the course with increased pressures and heartaches.
Along the way, some found beauty amidst the ugliness; wellness instead of wallowing; peace in the perplexing.
The source of hope, strength and love is always available – although sometimes it is hard to “see” Him – and to find them – in the fog and the funk.
But, whether it’s 2021 or 2022, or any year, we can be confident God is still powerful, omnipresent and the provider of peace.
Are you seeking…
Beauty? Wellness? Strength?
Peace? Protection? Progress?
Readers were seeking – and finding – these and others this year. In no particular order, here are 12 of Speaking Joyfully’s highest read posts in 2021 (not connected with holidays) arranged in categories:
Finding Beauty
Unexpected Difficulties and Delights
Finding Wellness
Engaging the Core – Water Noodle Wisdom
Finding Strength and Peace
Steps to Find Strength in the Storms of Life
5 Ways to Hold on to Peace in Challenging Times
Finding Protection
Attack Analysis and Protection
Finding Hope
Finding the Way Ahead
7 Must-Haves for the Path to Progress
7 Strategies to Move Forward in Life – Top-Level Perspective
Another highly read Speaking Joyfully favorite of 2021 is a short (actually more of a short, short) story that won first place at the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference (BRMCWC) Foundation Awards in November 2020. The Journey is a fictional story involving two people who meet during an airplane flight. I hope you enjoy the ride.
You may not have heard that the Speaking Joyfully blog won third place at the BRMCWC Foundation Awards in May 2021, a recognition for which I am deeply humbled and thankful. Anything I write of worth though is solely through His inspiration and by His grace. The most important words in Speaking Joyfully are always His words shared from Scripture, available freely to us all.
I am very grateful for the time you take to read Speaking Joyfully. If any of this year’s writings have encouraged you or prompted thought or contemplation, I’m so glad! And, if through them, God has stirred your heart to draw closer to Him or provided a word you needed at a particular time, I rejoice with you!
In the New Year, may your days be full of delight, your heart full of hope, and your mind focused on the One who offers peace.
You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you. Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord, the Lord himself, is the Rock eternal. Isaiah 26:3-4 NIV
- Which memorable event stands out in your life in 2021?
- What did you discover about yourself this year?
- What are you most seeking in your life today? (Pick from one of the categories above or add your own).
- Which Speaking Joyfully post touched you the most, or resonated with you? (I’d love to hear from you!)
- In what ways do you feel you grew closer to God this year?
But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. Matthew 6:33-34 NIV
Life is Better When It’s Full – Joy-full, Thank-full, Purpose-full and Friend-full! ™