Life is Better when it’s Full…

Life is Better when it's...


Life is Better when it's...


Life is Better when it's...


Life is Better when it's...



Hi! So glad you decided to visit!

What if we look at the ORDINARY in life – and see the EXTRAORDINARY touch of God?

Instead of negative headlines – let’s look at positive heart-lines.

We fill our lives with so much, but are we filling them with what boosts us and others?

Check out what I have to say in “Speaking Joyfully.”

Maybe you’ll be encouraged. Perhaps you’ll be inspired.
Hopefully you’ll smile.

Life IS better when it’s FULL…
JOY-full, THANK-full, PURPOSE-full and FRIEND-full!

Joy Dunlap Writer Speaker

Who am I?
I’m a woman of faith. A wife. A friend. A writer. An encourager.
A military spouse – “once a military spouse, always a military spouse.”
But, I’ve got lots of “formers” too.
Former journalist, broadcaster, advocate, advertising agent, sales and marketing manager, organizational leader, and non-profit executive.
Former Size 4 (Oops, how did that get in there? And, how did those extra sizes get in me?)
But as Ralph Waldo Emerson said,
“What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.”
I like that.

When Resolutions Fall Short

©Joy Dunlap There’s nothing wrong (and there can be a lot right) with resolutions, but it’s important to consider the “why” when making them, and what really matters if we fall short in keeping them. Are we doing them because of peer pressure,...

Beyond Mittens – Divine Design and Discovery

©Joy Dunlap ​How can mittens make us think about Christmas – and God’s design? After years of creating quizzes on various holiday/winter topics from music to movies, hot chocolate and tea, and Winter Olympics and New Year’s Eve activities, I...
Cornucopia calls us to thankful hearts because of the abundant life God has given.

Cornucopia Sounds the Call at Thanksgiving

©Joy Dunlap Thanksgiving tables and fall displays often feature a cornucopia with fruits and vegetables pouring out of a horn-shaped basket or container. Some call it a “horn of plenty.’’ The term cornucopia actually comes from two Latin words...
5 Ways to Lift Up Veterans

Veterans Gave: 5 Ways to Give Back

©Joy Dunlap Veterans Day is different in so many ways.  Many holidays honor people from the past, celebrate historical happenings, or promote clever marketing concepts. Veterans Day is a day designed to  to say “Thank You” as we honor men and...
Mind Invaders

Creepy Mind Invaders – 3 Helps to Block Those Haunted Thoughts

©Joy Dunlap Like scary characters popping out in a haunted house, negative thoughts can burst into our minds stimulating fear, anxiety, or guilt.  Mind invaders dangle into the passageways of our minds like strands of spider webs touching us,...
Book giveaway - God's Light

The Giveaway

©Joy Dunlap The workman in our backyard held up a feather and pointed to it. “It’s a hawk feather,” I said through the glass in our sunroom. His eyes widened, and he pointed to the trees further back in our yard. I nodded. He looked up to the...

Joy’s heart for the Lord and for others comes through in her writing, her relationships and her life. Her writing reflects her ability to look at the ordinary and sees the extraordinary hand of God at work. The clever stories she tells and the way she weaves Scripture into her writing invite the reader to live life purposefully and joyfully through the Lord.

Rebecca Hagelin, author of “Home Invasion: Protecting Your Family in a Culture That’s Gone Stark Raving Mad” and “30 Ways in 30 Days to Save Your Family.”

Joy Dunlap is a delight to read. Practical, thoughtful, and always applicable, she has a remarkable way of bringing biblical truth to light by sharing the observations she makes in daily life. Her blog provides a space of retreat where spiritual insights renew and refresh my busy soul. I’ve known Joy since our childhood and from the earliest days of our friendship I loved the way God gifted her to paint unforgettable images with the written word. Saturated with the gospel, Joy’s writings offer encouragement and hope to season the lessons life brings our way.

Frank R. Lewis, Senior Pastor, Nashville First Baptist Church

One thing I admire about Joy is her love for her work and her enthusiasm whether it is speaking, writing, planning or orchestrating – she does all with excellence. The basis of her work is foundational to everything she does – that is, she loves the Lord and always seeks His wisdom and guidance through His word and prayer when she is about to embark on anything. 

Shirley Lawing, former Women’s Ministry Director, Bethel Baptist Church

Joy Dunlap is a truly “Joy-ful” and anointed speaker…a gifted speaker who involves and captivates her audience.    

Protestant Women of the Chapel, military base retreat comment

Joy’s dedication to reaching out, supporting and ministering to other women is no less than inspiring. She is gifted with the ability to counsel and encourage, and knows how to put forth and maintain a positive message in every circumstance.

Rausa (businesswoman, nurse)

Always smiling, upbeat and encouraging, Joy consistently adds depth to each of our small group studies. Although not the assigned teacher of our group, she fills in when needed and as a teacher brings out an important lesson in each scripture we study. It is evident she spends a lot of time talking to God – and walks with Him on a daily basis.

Becky (businesswoman, women’s Bible study group communicator)

From the moment I met Joy, I was amazed at her genuine spirit, she is a very warm and caring person who is gifted with many talents.

I had the privilege of serving alongside Joy in a very important ministry where she headed a large Women’s Ministry. Joy is a gifted, creative writer. She is also a very good speaker who speaks with confidence. More than all of this, she loves the Lord and her life is an example of His love.

Shirley (ministry leader)

I was intrigued the entire time.  Funny, informative, great topics and teaching.  Very reflective.

(VA church Retreat comment)

Joy helps us see the importance and the benefits of the uniqueness between us and our friends.

Sue  (VA church retreat comment)

Joy’s dynamic personality leaves a lasting impression on those with whom she comes in contact.

Debbie  (women’s retreat coordinator)

Based upon Biblical principles, Joy inspires and encourages women to initiate, develop and maintain relationships by giving them very real and practical suggestions. This program is a must for anyone who desires to enlarge their territory and experience the fullness of friendships.

Ronda (author)

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