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What if we look at the ORDINARY in life – and see the EXTRAORDINARY touch of God?
Instead of negative headlines – let’s look at positive heart-lines.
We fill our lives with so much, but are we filling them with what boosts us and others?
Check out what I have to say in “Speaking Joyfully.”
Maybe you’ll be encouraged. Perhaps you’ll be inspired.
Hopefully you’ll smile.
Life IS better when it’s FULL…
JOY-full, THANK-full, PURPOSE-full and FRIEND-full!

Who am I?
I’m a woman of faith. A wife. A friend. A writer. An encourager.
A military spouse – “once a military spouse, always a military spouse.”
But, I’ve got lots of “formers” too.
Former journalist, broadcaster, advocate, advertising agent, sales and marketing manager, organizational leader, and non-profit executive.
Former Size 4 (Oops, how did that get in there? And, how did those extra sizes get in me?)
But as Ralph Waldo Emerson said,
“What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.”
I like that.
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