by Joy Dunlap | Nov 21, 2021 | Encouragement, Friendship, Lessons along Life's Journey, Thankful
©Joy Dunlap They were conversations long forgotten. Words spoken that left my mouth and mind many years ago. By God’s grace and through His power, the words had implanted in others in such a way that impacted them for good. I gathered that fall...
by Joy Dunlap | May 27, 2021 | Growth, Purpose, Serve, Thankful
©Joy Dunlap Memorial Day is meant to be MORE. More than barbecues and backyard gatherings. More than baseball and burgers. More than discounts or a day off. Memorial Day is MORE… much MORE. When we really contemplate its meaning, we see...
by Joy Dunlap | Feb 18, 2021 | Lessons along Life's Journey, Love, Serve, Thankful
©Joy Dunlap Being lent something hasn’t always worked out well for me – or the one who loaned it. The smell permeating my house made it difficult to breathe. In less than 30 minutes, about 35-40 people were due to arrive at our house for an...
by Joy Dunlap | Feb 15, 2021 | Lessons along Life's Journey, Purpose, Strength, Thankful
©Joy Dunlap On this Presidents Day, let’s look back at how some past Presidents chose to incorporate God in their messages. These selected quotes from U.S. Presidents share some of their references about the Bible, God’s supremacy, and justice. ...
by Joy Dunlap | Nov 11, 2020 | Hope, Lessons along Life's Journey, Peace, Thankful
©Joy Dunlap Veterans Day sends a message not only of gratitude, but also of the value of service before self. Our veterans didn’t sign up for military service to get rich or gain recognition. Why then did they serve? To make a difference. To...
by Joy Dunlap | Mar 13, 2019 | Fulfillment, Lessons along Life's Journey, Rescue, Thankful
©Joy Dunlap https://joydunlap.comG.I. Joe action figures launched in February 1964 with a soldier, sailor, pilot and marine. The developer, Hasbro, wisely copyrighted a scar on the right cheek and imprinted a trademark on the right buttock of the figures. Those...