by Joy Dunlap | May 3, 2018 | Fulfillment, Lessons along Life's Journey, Purpose, Tips for Living a Full Life
©Joy Dunlap Do you remember your graduation speaker? Can you recall anything specific that was said? Recently I asked some friends if anyone remembered the keynoter at their graduation. Only one out of seven did and that was because their speaker...
by Joy Dunlap | Apr 26, 2018 | Joy, Lessons along Life's Journey
©Joy Dunlap When you think about a popular identifier starting with Wonder ________, what comes to mind? Wonder Woman? Wonder Bread? Wonder Drug? The world is full of wonder – and God intentionally made it that way. Even popular culture and...
by Joy Dunlap | Apr 20, 2018 | Fulfillment, Lessons along Life's Journey
©Joy Dunlap Thankfully my sense of worth isn’t based on my bowling score. When you’re bowling with a bunch of women called “Almost” bowlers in a social group, it takes a lot to be the lowest scorer… a lot of laughter, a lot of talking and…...
by Joy Dunlap | Apr 11, 2018 | Fulfillment, Joy, Lessons along Life's Journey
©Joy Dunlap Sometimes a delay gives us time and space to open our ears to the music inside us. The announcement penetrated the din of the airport cacophony, wiping out my previous anticipation of getting home on time from an emotional week...
by Joy Dunlap | Sep 17, 2017 | Lessons along Life's Journey
New beginnings. A blank screen on a computer. The crisp lined pages of a notebook. The day you welcome a newborn with trusting eyes fixed on you. The first day of school. The first day you say “See you this afternoon” to your children heading to school. The first day...