The Safe Place

©Joy Dunlap The family of four who arrived for dinner first came into my vision at a distance. Two were relative newborns, wobbly legs and trusting faces. Mom and dad were wary – more cautious and hardened by the realities of the world. I let...

Stuck In Between?

©Joy Dunlap Stuck in between? Sounds like a mammogram, right?  Uncomfortable.  Painful.  Worrisome. Rarely are “in-betweens” in life satisfying.  In fact, they’re often emotional minefields we can’t wait to escape. Right now, some of us are...

Passages that Lead to Hope and Encouragement

©Joy Dunlap In this topsy-turvy time when things are so unsettled, where can we find hope?  How can we be encouraged? What can we count on? Recently, I asked women in the Bible study I attend to share a verse that encourages them in uncertain,...

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