The Great Cleanout

©Joy Dunlap  https://joydunlap.com Under the surface of our beautiful water feature, debris can pile up causing decay.  In order to keep it running optimally, an annual cleanout is needed. During the fall, countless leaves find their way in. They discolor the water,...

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Why Give Thanks?

©Joy Dunlap  https://joydunlap.com Thankful. Grateful. Blessed. That’s the message my lightweight, midnight blue, long-sleeved shirt carries, but the meaning isn’t lightweight at all! When we are truly thankful for the grace we’ve been given and the mercy we’ve...

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Crash Confession

©Joy Dunlap  https://joydunlap.com Bam! I heard and felt the hit as my head jerked back and forth. Stunned by having been solidly stopped while backing my car out of the garage, I looked in the rearview mirror. Could this day get any worse? Uh, yessss. That impact I...

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