Struggle to Bloom

©Joy Dunlap I didn’t think anything would come from that plant and never really expected it to bloom. But, underneath, hope was there. In front of the rock, right outside our sunporch, more than 25 magnificent fuchsia tulips had blossomed. ...

A Woman Takes Action to Save Her City

©Joy Dunlap Who are the unrecognized women of the Bible, the ones whose names aren’t recorded but whose actions made an impact? The sick woman whose faith was evident as she touched the robe of Jesus knowing His power was enough to heal her. The...

The Music Died – or Did It?

©Joy Dunlap Has the music died in our lives?  Or is it that we’re listening to the wrong soundtrack or station? Remember the song “American Pie?”  Perhaps right now some of the lyrics are starting to swirl in your brain. On January 15,...

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