©Joy Dunlap https://joydunlap.com
Where do we find peace? In a place? A passion? A purpose?
Think back to a time when the sense of peace seemed strong. What comes to mind?
Hiking in the woods surrounded by soaring trees as light peeks through?
Walking in a garden bordered by colorful flowers on a sunshiny day?
Strolling on the beach as the waves gently lap the shoreline?
Viewing the palette of colors spreading across the sky during sunrise or sunset?
Gazing at a mountain from a still, calm lakefront?
Staring at the bright stars against the dark drape of night?
Nature isn’t the only place where peace is felt. God does let us sense His presence strongly through His creation, but we can also experience peace in our career, craft or life choices as we walk with Him daily. As we pursue our profession or take a specific personal action in which God’s leading seems clear, the confidence of being in God’s will can give us a deep sense of calm.
We may experience peace – and relief – after something ominous is avoided or we narrowly escape danger. Negative results come in from a concerning test. A tornado or hurricane skips our home and area. A parent or grandchild or spouse survives a harrowing accident.
Amazingly, peace can also be found in the midst of pain or sorrow. Even when a seriously ill family member who walks with the Lord leaves this world, we can find peace and comfort in the promise of eternal life.
In John 14:27 NIV, Jesus spoke to the disciples saying,
Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.
God gives in contrast to what the world gives. The world offers chaos, conflict and confusion. Christ offers contentment, confidence and clarity that He can provide peace in all circumstances.
Yes, even fear caused by the world situation today can be countered by the Cross.
Why then do worry, anxiety and fear creep in and try to take over? Oh, it’s so hard for us as humans to let go and let God take control one day without trying to grab it back the next day – or minute!
Yet, when we are in harmony with God, in Him, and through Him, serenity can permeate our souls and our lives.
Tranquility comes as we turn to Him and trust Him.
In Philippians 4:4-5 NIV, we’re encouraged to communicate with God in confidence:
Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Imagine with me that PEACE is standing guard like a sentry protecting our hearts and minds – blocking fear and anxiety from entering and taking over.
How can that happen?
Human comprehension cannot begin to understand fully the mind of God or the peace of God. But this we can know – the peace of God is promised to us through His power when we fully trust in Him and continually release our concerns to him with a thankful heart!
Peace and prayer are a package.
Sure, we can have moments and perhaps months of peaceful times or pleasant experiences, but without continuing communication with God, we won’t be able to hold onto peace in its deeper and fuller sense, nor in times of trial.
When we cry out to God, we acknowledge:
He is more powerful.
He is more knowing.
He is more healing.
He is more – well, everything than we could ever be.
Peace is found in God’s embrace as we trust Him to hold us when we’re hurting, to carry us when we cannot move, and to clutch us closely in the storms.
As we trust in God’s will and His purposes – and turn to Him each day – peace permeates in us.
Not just as a glimpse, but in its full Glory!
- When is a time you’ve experienced a sense of peace in nature? In a choice? In a difficult and trying situation?
- Is something blocking you from experiencing peace on an ongoing basis?
- Are you at peace right now?
My friend, if you’ve never experienced peace, or you’re struggling with it now, please pray and ask God to give it to you. Email me. I want to pray for you and am happy to talk with you about God’s abiding peace.
Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times and in every way. The Lord be with all of you. 2 Thessalonians 3:16 NIV
Life is Better When It’s Full – Joy-full, Thank-full, Purpose-full and Friend-full! ™