©Joy Dunlap https://joydunlap.com
In reaction to God’s call, a challenge or circumstance in our lives, we often react with a but… I am not.
Jeremiah’s self-confidence (or lack of it, I should say), showed in how he answered God’s call to be a prophet.
“Alas, Sovereign Lord,” I said, “I do not know how to speak; I am too young.”
Have we ever answered God in similar ways?
When what we believe about God is different than how we act – or react – to serving Him.
We say we recognize God’s supreme power, just as Jeremiah did in addressing Him as “Sovereign Lord,” but we act as if we doubt it.
“Lord, I know who you are. I know what you can do. I hear what you want me to do. But….”
I am too fearful.
I am too worn out.
I am too old.
I am not skilled enough.
I am not knowledgeable enough.
I am inadequate.
I am not worthy.
God says,
The Lord responded clearly to Jeremiah saying,
“Do not say, ‘I am too young…Do not be afraid of them, for I am with you and will rescue you.”
I AM with you.
Even when we acknowledge God’s presence and power, we may still find excuses for not doing His will and working toward His purposes.
I am too busy.
I am too overwhelmed.
I am too broken to be useful.
God says,
I AM Enough.
God gives us what we need in order to do what He desires us to do. When we think we are not able, God says, “I AM.”
But do we believe it? Do we believe in Him?
After Jesus miraculously fed more than 5,000 from only two loaves and fishes, his disciples left by boat. Jesus caught up with them later (after walking on the water, but that’s another story!)
When the crowd couldn’t find Jesus, the people got into boats and crossed the water to search for him in Capernaum. Once they found him, they asked an interesting but insightful question recorded in John 6:28-29 NLT.
Jesus knew they were intrigued by the miracles He had done but that they didn’t comprehend why God had given Him the power to do them.
“We want to perform God’s works, too. What should we do?”
Jesus told them, “This is the only work God wants from you: Believe in the one he has sent.”
Believe. Release. Trust.
God is the only I AM we need.
That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t learn, prepare, plan and execute whatever God-given abilities we have. Obviously, we should bring our best.
Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving. Colossians 3:23-24 NIV
But let’s trust God, step out in faith and let Him lead.
strong enough,
bold enough,
smart enough,
gifted enough,
compassionate enough,
powerful enough,
forgiving enough,
talented enough,
creative enough,
merciful enough
wise enough
for each of us.
Every day. In every way.
- In what way(s) are you telling God you are “too___________” or not good enough to do something?
- Which areas would you like to be more confident in? Have you asked God to strengthen you in His power and give you wisdom as you proceed?
- Reflect carefully. Are you using any excuses that keep you from moving forward in a way God is leading? If so, which ones? Why?
- Read the Scripture below aloud and insert your name after you in the first sentence.
But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.”
Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong. 2 Corinthians 12:9-10 NIV
Life is Better When It’s Full – Joy-full, Thank-full, Purpose-full and Friend-full! ™