©Joy Dunlap https://joydunlap.com
When gently rolling in, the waves tickle the grainy sand with white foam as if fingers dancing on a keyboard.
The thing about waves is – sometimes we’re caught off guard by the big ones. Their power surprises us.
Ever been in the ocean, jumping up and down with the rolling water, enjoying the sun and the surf, when suddenly a wave comes up fast and with a powerful punch knocks you down? I have – and more than once. My knees slammed into hundreds of broken shell pieces in the sand, then my legs fought to get their footing, toes digging in to get my balance. When in deep water, I flailed about, sputtering and treading water trying to catch my breath before the next blow hit.
Sometimes I see it coming. I’ll jump above the wave and keep my head over it.
Every now and then though, the waves have so much force and height that even a well-trained Duke basketball player or a practiced Olympian couldn’t leap that high. Sometimes they’re too high for anyone in their human strength to soar above.
At times like that, it’s best to just dive into the wave, hold our breath and keep moving forward until it passes over us, ever confident that we’ll emerge on the other side. We may flip onto our backs, face skyward, and float letting the wave roll over us and move us closer to shore. The worse thing we can do is panic.
Solo swimming can be dangerous. The benefits of the buddy system we learned as children works for us as adults too. Friends near us can assist or call for backup.
Knowing who to signal for help – and doing it – can help us handle the wallop of the waves.
What affects the height of waves? Experts say it’s the combination of three factors. Wind Speed. Wind Duration. Wind Distance in a single direction. When all those occur, large waves result. That’s according to the experts at National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) who know all these super fun, scientific facts. For instance, even when the wind reaches high speeds, if it only blows for a short time, large waves will not form. Even if strong winds blow for extended time periods, but only traverse a short distance, huge waves will not manifest.
Likewise, when you’ve got a problem that hits you with force; keeps buffeting you for an extended time; and spreads across your life, taking up increasing time and energy, formidable waves may result. Waves pack the potential to knock you down unless you’re willing to call out for help.
My husband used to be a lifeguard on the Jersey shores. The swimmers who got into the most trouble, he says, were the middle-aged adults, not the children. The over-confident “I’ve got this†ones who ventured out too far alone and without support. Or the ones who tried repeatedly to battle the undertow in their own strength.
We can’t always keep our head above the waves that hit us unexpectedly.
But our Life-Guard, the Creator of the Seas, is able to propel us through, pick us up, carry us above the storm, and get us safely to shore.
Are the waves in your life right now gentle or tsunami-like? Are they roaring or recurring ones caused by storms?
What techniques are you using to battle the turbulent wind and waves?
Have you called the Master Lifeguard for help?
The disciples went and woke him, saying, “Lord, save us! We’re going to drown!†He replied, “You of little faith, why are you so afraid?†Then he got up and rebuked the winds and the waves, and it was completely calm. Matthew 8:25-27
Life is Better When It’s Full – Joy-full, Thank-full, Purpose-full and Friend-full! ™