by Joy Dunlap | Jan 19, 2025 | Encouragement, Growth, Purpose
©Joy Dunlap There’s nothing wrong (and there can be a lot right) with resolutions, but it’s important to consider the “why” when making them, and what really matters if we fall short in keeping them. Are we doing them because of peer pressure,...
by Joy Dunlap | Dec 8, 2024 | Growth, Hope, Learning and Living, Purpose
©Joy Dunlap How can mittens make us think about Christmas – and God’s design? After years of creating quizzes on various holiday/winter topics from music to movies, hot chocolate and tea, and Winter Olympics and New Year’s Eve activities, I...
by Joy Dunlap | Oct 2, 2024 | Forgiveness, Growth, Peace, Purpose
©Joy Dunlap The workman in our backyard held up a feather and pointed to it. “It’s a hawk feather,” I said through the glass in our sunroom. His eyes widened, and he pointed to the trees further back in our yard. I nodded. He looked up to the...
by Joy Dunlap | Feb 11, 2024 | Growth, Lessons along Life's Journey, Purpose
©Joy Dunlap People know what they’re here for – and they’re excited about it. Clapping. Cheering. Chanting. Trumpets and other instruments blast out songs that spark energy and uplift the spirit. In the student section, chants and hand motions...
by Joy Dunlap | Jun 8, 2023 | Fulfillment, Lessons along Life's Journey, Purpose
©Joy Dunlap “No, that doesn’t look good.” “Move this way.” “It’s better when you’re facing the light.” Friends – longtime and new – kept shifting and moving trying to secure good photos with each other in a conference facility better lit...
by Joy Dunlap | Apr 7, 2023 | Growth, Hope, Purpose
©Joy Dunlap My heart sank. I’d been expecting it because of the signs I had seen, but nothing prepared me for what I saw. Hundreds of tall trees had been chopped down a few blocks from me. What will rise up is difficult to envision, and it’s...