Are You Ghosting God?
©Joy Dunlap https://joydunlap.com
When you hear the term “ghosting,” what does it mean to you? Dressing up for Halloween? Someone writing a book for someone more popular or prominent?
When I first heard the term “ghosting” in its newest form, it was referenced in an advice column where someone was being shunned by a friend. Ghosting is disappearing from someone’s life – usually a person with whom you’ve had a significant connection – without providing any explanation. Communication is blocked and ignored. Statistics report that significant numbers of men and women indicate being ghosted or ghosting another person.
“It’s like they dropped off the face of the earth” was once a popular phrase when someone abandoned a familiar group. In today’s world, the person who’s ghosting someone – or being ghosted – is usually quite visible to other friends and colleagues on FB, Instagram, Twitter or other sites – whether at familiar local hangouts or not. Even if dropped from someone’s social scene, shared friends are likely still connected in social circles and online. It’s difficult to disappear. Reasons given for “ghosting” former friends or love interests include: too many “options” and not enough time, something they did – or didn’t do – annoyed/hurt/angered, or lack of interest.
Do we ever “ghost” God?
Think about it.
Angry at God? A prayer wasn’t answered the way we wanted so we give God the silent treatment.
Ashamed of something? We feel guilty, so we try to hide.
Things going well? No need for 911 prayers to the Healer or Comforter.
Doing just fine on our own? No need for thankfulness or touching base with the Creator.
Life too busy? So many more things to do than to take time to connect with the Father or the Friend.
Involved in an activity outside of God’s plan? Who wants to be around someone who makes us feel uncomfortable about our choices?
Maybe – if we’re really honest about it – God just isn’t our priority.
We’re ghosting God. Disconnecting. Brushing off. Tuning out. Pushing aside. Avoiding. Hiding.
Someone being ghosted finds their calls, posts, emails or texts deleted upon receipt, unopened, blocked, or relegated to trash.
So how do we ghost God?
We ignore the beauty of His creation around us.
We dismiss the promptings we feel in our heart regarding choices we are making.
We put the Bible in a back room or in the backseat. Unopened.
We eliminate blogs and devotions from our daily emails that point us to the love He has for us.
We no longer pray – really heart-pray – for others.
We stop thanking God for who He is and for what He means in our lives.
We no longer seek His wisdom, advice or guidance.
We make excuses for not going to church.
We get annoyed or feel awkward when others bring up their communication with Him or talk about their relationship or answered prayer.
We choose to stop listening for His whisper in our heart; stop reading His written words to us; and avoid communication and conversation with Him.
What does it reveal when we ghost God?
It means He no longer matters like He once did. That He is unimportant in our personal world. That we place a higher value on other activities, other people, or having our own way.
If you’ve been ghosting God, you’ll know. The good news is that God is still there – and still desiring to have a relationship. Start the conversation – again!
Are you “ghosting” God right now? Have you ever?
What steps can you take today to reignite your relationship with the Lord?
Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me…As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love. John 15: 4, 9
Come near to God and he will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded. James 4:8
Jesus replied, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.” Matthew 22:37
Life is Better When It’s Full – Joy-full, Thank-full, Purpose-full and Friend-full! ™