@Joy Dunlap https://joydunlap.com
Everyone’s talking about happiness – how to find it, how to achieve it, and how to keep it. The United Nations even named March 20 as the International Day of Happiness. Can “Happy†days fill our year? Try out some of my “L†Steps for Happiness:
Why do so many people love sunrises and sunsets? Is it the promise that the old day has passed and a new day is coming? Or is it that each is a unique masterpiece of color painted on the skyline?
When we’re attuned to our surroundings, we can discover hidden delights found in nature, revel in the architectural design of buildings, and delight in the art of a master painter – or that of a child or grandchild. As we open our eyes to discovery, God reveals to us His creativity, the talents He’s given, and a way to see the world anew.
Recently at a memorial service, I noticed light streaming like a spotlight through the cupula’s windows and the shadow of the cross silhouetted on the wall behind the altar.
Take Action: Write down one thing a day that you’ve seen in a new way. Take a different route to work, shop or exercise. Put down the phone and watch for the wonder.
Ask someone how they’ve been and the answer is often “Busy.†Rushing through life, darting from one place to another, we jump so quickly from activity to activity that we miss opportunities to savor the experiences.
When we pause to linger – in the discussion with a friend, in the pages of a good book, on a trail walk through the woods, or to share a delicious dinner – we invite calmness, intimacy, and enjoyment into our lives.
Take Action: Give yourself permission for leisure. Take time for it. Enjoy the moment. Sit on a bench. Resist the temptation to say “I’m too busy.â€
As we listen to others, we discover more about them. We broaden our perspectives and increase our understanding, not only of them, but also of ourselves. When we tune in to someone, we send a message that they matter.
God wants to know that He matters too. Listening is also being alert for that still, strong voice inside us.
Take Action: Choose to listen to uplifting music and conversation as well as the sounds of nature. Plug in a podcast when doing housework or gardening.
Laughter works our ab muscles – and that’s enough for me! Experts say when we laugh we also release endorphins which help our immune system and reduce stress. Sounds good, too! Plus, whether we’re giggling or laughing hysterically, it makes us more upbeat.
“Can’t you activate your core by coughing?†I asked during an exercise class. “You can,†the instructor answered, “but a better way is by laughing.†She got us to try one “Ha,†then “Ha, Ha†then “Ha, Ha, Ha†then more, then faster. Quickly, genuine laughter took over and everyone kept laughing. We forgot how hard we were working out because we were having so much fun.
Take Action: Read a clever comic. Listen to a family-acceptable comedy station. Watch a TV show or dive into a book featuring a comedic character. Make fun of something you did. Share a humorous situation with your spouse and/or friends.
The longer we keep learning, the more we use our brain, and the more productive we feel. When we feel productive, we are happier.
Lifelong learning centers allow adults to explore art, literature, history and other subjects. Cruises and buses take travelers on cultural experiences. The internet opens up libraries and museums right in our homes. Printed, audio and electronic books allow us to gain knowledge. If we want to learn how to do something, we can ask Alexa, google it, read how, watch You-Tube, take a course, or ask a friend!
Learning isn’t just about intellectual pursuits either. It’s about finding out about each other and developing understanding.
Take Action: Be intentional about learning something new every week. Spark those brainwaves!
True happiness is unattainable and unsustainable unless we are lifting others up. We pick others up when we give generously or volunteer freely to those in need. With compassion, we can support one struggling emotionally with illness, grief or despair. For those who’ve lost their way, we may need to pull them up and guide them to solid ground.
One of the best ways to lift someone up is to pray for them. Share their needs with God and ask Him to intervene for their good and God’s glory.
Take Action: Care for the hurting. Give generously. Cheer accomplishments. Compliment someone sincerely every day. Help someone without anyone knowing it.
Connections with others help us stay healthier and happier. Studies have proven it. Positive social interactions give us strength, optimism, better health and longer lives. Life is more fun sharing it with others!
Take Action: Reach out to add someone to your social network. Make a contact for coffee, lunch or to enjoy an event. Renew a connection with a friend from the past.
Less (stuff!) Too much stuff causes us stress. And, stress sucks the air out of happiness. All that stuff takes up physical space in our home and mental space in our minds.
Take Action: Bless someone with some of your belongings today. I’m going to work on this one more! Can a friend help me with my closet?
While many actions can increase our happiness quotient and deepen our daily enjoyment, abiding joy is found in acceptance and confidence in God’s love for us and a choice to walk with Him.
God doesn’t force us to love Him; instead, He offers His love through Christ as a gift. A gift of forgiveness, mercy, and grace. When we freely accept that gift, it can permeate every aspect of our lives – our minds, our hearts, our souls. Subsequently, we yearn to reciprocate with love to God, and it overflows to those around us.
Take Action: Ask yourself “Am I dwelling in God’s love and happiness despite circumstances?†“Do I really love others as God loves me?â€
Which “L†Step to Happiness is the easiest for you? Most difficult?
What do you allow to threaten your happiness?
Does experiencing God’s love make you happy?
Is anyone among you in trouble? Let them pray. Is anyone happy? Let them sing songs of praise. James 5:13 NIV
Life is Better When It’s Full – Joy-full, Thank-full, Purpose-full and Friend-full! ™